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  • Room 701, 1st Floor, Building 5, No. 200 Newton Road, Zhangjiang High Tech, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

    The first floor of Building 3, Standard Factory Building, Changsha Huanghua Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Airport Kou Community, Huanghua Town, Changsha County, Hunan Province
Company Honors


In 2023, Rild was recognized as a Shanghai Technology" little Giant "Enterprise

In 2021,Rild was recognized as a Shanghai Technology" little Giant "(Cultivation)Enterprise

In 2023, Rild was recognized as a Shanghai Pudong New Area R&D institution

For two consecutive years in 2022 and 2023, Rild was selected as a growing technology company in Zhangjiang Science City


In 2023, Mr. Hao Zhubin, R&D Director, was selected for the "Pearl Talent" program in Pudong New Area and was awarded the title of "Pearl Engineer"

Rild was selected as Pudong New Area Employee Science and Technology Innovation Base in 2023

In 2023, Rild was awarded the Shanghai Harmonious Labor Relations Standard Company


Since 2021,Rild was selected as Shanghai's "Specialized, Refinement,Differential, Innovation" (SRDI)Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Since 2018,Rild has been Selected as a new high-tech enterprise in Shanghai

In 2018, Rild was awarded the Shanghai  Labor Awards


Since 2005, Rild has established an industry-University-Research training

Base, joint training of postgraduate students

In 2006, the project of In Vitro Technology Evaluation won the High-tech Achievement Transformation Award

In 2004, Mr. Hu Zhuohan, General Manager of Rild, was honored as Shanghai Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Leader