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  • Service Tel
    Product Tel
    Company switchboard
  • Room 701, 1st Floor, Building 5, No. 200 Newton Road, Zhangjiang High Tech, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

    The first floor of Building 3, Standard Factory Building, Changsha Huanghua Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Airport Kou Community, Huanghua Town, Changsha County, Hunan Province
Management Team

QQ.CHEN, VP, Business Development

1710147347772164.jpg  Chen Qingqi

 Worked as a sales director of Shanghai Region for Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Group. 

Co-founder of Zhongjiu Technology (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd

Sales Director of VWR China

With nearly 30 years of experience, he is familiar with the entire supply chain in the laboratory field.
